An Atlas of Historic New Mexico Maps, 1550–1941doi:10.1016/j.jhg.2013.10.012Robert RundstromJournal of Historical Geography
Democratic Republic of the Congo Africa Places 8 Stories 4 Related Places Baghdad, Iraq Victory Over America Palace This former monument to an invented Iraqi victory was turned into a military camp during the subsequent invasion. Jemez Springs, New Mexico Jemez Historic Site Once a year, the...
Considering the historic as well as contemporary use of ayahuasca in the region, some symbols might have been inspired by ayahuasca-induced visions. And what if the bleary-eyed caretaker starts to wing it? Well, he might tell you the dog or monkey petroglyph is actually a dinosaur, which ...
The Addams Family Maps TM & © 1991 Ocean Of America / Paramount Pictures Inventory Inventory 256 x 240 3.27 kB PNG ripped Gennadiy_Master The Garden The Garden 2042 x 209 12.6 kB PNG ripped Gennadiy_Master The Crypt The Crypt 258 x 237 2.62 kB PNG ripped Gennadiy_Master The Bone Room...
Robinson adds: "We are always terribly short of space and new maps are fiendishly expensive, so regions have to earn their coverage." Mexicohas escaped from the “Southwest States” section of the United States. Instead of getting lumped in with those states north of the border, it receives...
Historic event collection on earthquake epicenters, tropical cyclone tracks, and tornadoes in the United States as well as CRESTA Zone information is also accessed from this window. Users can search for data on approximately 500,000 locations; countries; named tropical cyclones (approximately 2,500 ...
It maps the spread of the networks across the country, showing the stations and important intersections, the layout and location of major bridges and tunnels, and much more. " Historic 1800's Railroad Map Collection Historic 1800's Railroad Map Collection "The Railroad maps represent an ...
This database will help refine maps of the global spatial limits of malaria and be the foundation for the development of global malaria endemicity models as part of MAP. A widespread application of these maps is envisaged. The data compiled and the products generated by MAP are planned to be...
“I get lost quite often, even with the help of Google Maps in my hand. My partner finds it exciting to explore without maps. One recent fond memory of getting lost in a new city was when we were trying to find our way back from the University of Coimbra (where we just toured the...
An Atlas of Historic New Mexico Maps, 1550–1941, Peter L. Eidenbach. University of New Mexico Press, Albuquerque (2012), xii + 172 pages, US$60 hardcoverdoi:10.1016/j.jhg.2013.10.012Robert Rundstrom