Detailed drawings showing the external anatomy, the musculature and the skeleton forms of lions, cows, dogs, and horses. 喜欢读"An Atlas of Animal Anatomy for Artists"的人也喜欢的电子书· ··· 支持Web、iPhone、iPad、Android 阅读器 日本神话...
A specialty of this atlas is that it contains only high-quality, accurate, and attractive photographs, not idealised line drawings. Dissection plays an important part in understanding the anatomy of an animal, and this book has been designed to make full use of the wealth of information made ...
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AGRIS ProQuest ResearchGate University of Chicago Press 查看更多 相似文献 引证文献An Atlas of Animal Anatomy for Artists Detailed drawings showing the external anatomy, the musculature and the skeleton forms of lions, cows, dogs, and horses ...
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设计书籍:《艺术家的动物解剖学:元素形式》 Animal Anatomy for Artists, The Elements of Form PDF版 免费下载 2018-9-22 22:45:11 加粗斜体居中删除线签到 400 条回复A文章作者M管理员 ZL015129747小白lv0Win 10 Chrome 2024-10-27 00:31:23 ...
This new resource provides a basic foundation in small animal anatomy for students of veterinary medicine, animal science, and veterinary technology. Extraordinary accuracy and beautiful original artwork make this a truly unique learning tool th