12. Make sure that all sound-damping material, e.g. on the bodywork and in the air inlet and outlet systems of the compressor, is in good condition. If damaged, replace it by genuine Atlas Copco material to prevent the sound pressure level from increasing. 13. Never use caustic solvents...
To make best use of the high selection effi- ciency for the correct jet permutation from the likelihood fit, and the stabilisation of R32 against JES variations, the jet permutation derived in the fit is used, but mrWeco, mrtoepco and therefore R32, are constructed from the unconstrained ...
Since the different-flavour selection does not make use of b- tagging, this uncertainty only affects the same-flavour channel and is relatively small (about 1% of the total event yield). Fake-lepton background uncertainties: an uncertainty of 33% (25%) is assigned to the fake background in...
Both make only minor contributions to the full systematic uncertainties. The influ- ence of pile-up is estimated by adding minimum bias events to the PYTHIA 6.423 dijet events and repeating the analysis procedure. The effect is found to be negligible. A potential bias due to the incorrect ...
When identification of jets containing heavy flavour quarks is required, either to make measurements in control regions or for cross checks, a tagging algorithm exploiting both impact parameter and secondary vertex information is used. Jets are tagged for |η| < 2.5 and the parameters of the ...
They make use of algorithms similar to those employed in the offline re- construction. 4 Data and simulation samples During the data-taking periods considered for this measure- ment, the maximum instantaneous luminosity was 2.1 × 1032 cm−2 s−1 corresponding to an average of 3.8 interac-...