While many of the onshore turbines being installed are commonly in the 80m-100m hub height range, offshore turbines have migrated to 200 meters, with plans to go higher. The animation below provides some context on how large these wind turbines can get. (It's also a nice excuse to use ...
Another limitation arose from the use of median data to represent regions, which may have been skewed by other countries within the region and therefore not faithfully represented the true picture. This was addressed by using country specific data in the creation of the global maps to emphasize ...
CorporationintheUnitedStatesand/orothercountries. Allothersusedinthisarethepropertyoftheirrespectiveowners. Patents USAPatent5,418,582. ATLASUserPN62623-1Rev.A2007.07 Contentsiii Contents (1)Introduction1-1 •IntendedUse1-1 •IndicationsforUse1-1 •PurposeofThisUser1-1 •ATLASSystemInstrumentUser...
2016) as well as in the Middle East and in countries of the former Soviet Union (Kulik and Vinokurova 1982). In China, its occurrence in the Uighur autonomous region of Xinjiang is confirmed (Teng 1982), although locations further east have also been described (Chen et al. 2010). It ...
To better understand exposure levels in human serum on a larger regional scale, the exposure information of some high-frequency chemicals was compared with that of seven other countries based on the literature. In comparison with other regions of the world, serum from people who live in China h...
17 Nevertheless, most current proteomics studies have only focused on limited disease outcomes.18,19 While these studies revealed some disease-specific proteomic changes, the lack of a comprehensive human proteome-phenome atlas also raises many questions. For example, are the associated proteins ...
If the compressed gas could be used immediately at its final tempera- ture after compression, the isentropic compression process would have certain advantages. In reality, the air or gas is rarely used directly after compres- sion, and is usually cooled to ambient temperature before use. ...
Payroll can be complicated, especially when you are getting it set up for the first time with employees in multiple US states—or multiple countries. How you pay remote employees can differ based on the type of employment (independent contractors, full-time employees, or other W-2 employees) ...
The idea is for these countries to start from scratch–free from the laws, regulations, and moral codes of any existing place. Details says the experiment would be “a kind of floating petri dish for implementing policies that libertarians, stymied by indifference at the voting booths, have ...
Camborygma, Cruziana problematica, Diplocraterion isp., Fuersichnus isp., Helminthoidichnites tenuis, Lockeia isp., Palaeophycus striatus, Palaeophycus tubularis, Planolites isp., Rusophycus carbonarius, Scoyenia gracilis, Skolithos isp., Spongeliomorpha carlsbergi, Taenidium isp. and Taen...