Essential cookies are required for basic functions of the website. This ensures that the website functions properly. Namecookie_optin ProviderATLAS ELEKTRONIK GmbH Lifetime1 year PurposeCookie to store cookie opt in decision. NamePHPSESSID
At ATLAS ELEKTRONIK GmbH, you have the possibility of gaining practical experience and taking the first steps on the career ladder with practical experience – while you are still attending lectures. Our student trainees contribute their knowledge to their own projects and get to know everyday worki...
ZERTIFIKAT für das Managementsystem nach DIN EN ISO 14001 : 2015 Die Zertifizierungsstelle TÜV NORD CERT GmbH bestätigt hiermit als Ergebnis der Auditierung, Bewertung und Zertifizierungsentscheidung gemäß ISO/IEC 17021-1:2015, dass die Organisation ATLAS ELEKTRONIK GmbH Sebaldsbrücker ...
Die ATLAS ELEKTRONIK bietet diverse Einstiegsmöglichkeiten für Studierende. Es können sowohl Bachelor- und Masterarbeiten zu Forschungsthemen als auch Praktika im Rahmen Ihres Studiums absolviert werden. Häufig werden diese Forschungsthemen im A-LAB von den Promovierenden selbst betreut, so...
Namecookie_optin ProviderATLAS ELEKTRONIK GmbH Lifetime1 year PurposeCookie to store cookie opt in decision. NamePHPSESSID ProviderPHP Lifetimesession PurposePHP Session ID show cookie information Analytics Statistic Cookies collect information anonymously. This information helps us understand how our visitor...
ATLAS ELEKTRONIKis a high-tech company in the maritime space. All over the world, we are first choice as a developer, producer and supplier of maritime systems. With more than a century of experience, we take care of an extensive clientèle amongst the naval forces and merchant shipping compa...
Namecookie_optin ProviderATLAS ELEKTRONIK GmbH Lifetime1 year PurposeCookie to store cookie opt in decision. NamePHPSESSID ProviderPHP Lifetimesession PurposePHP Session ID show cookie information Analytics Statistic Cookies collect information anonymously. This information helps us understand how our visitor...
Atlas Elektronik GmbH is a naval/marine electronics and systems business based in Bremen, Germany. It is involved in the development of integrated sonar systems for submarines and heavyweight torpedoes. The company was a subsidiary of BAE Systems until December 2005 when it was sold to ThyssenKrupp...
Essential Analytics accept all save & close accept only essential Essential Essential cookies are required for basic functions of the website. This ensures that the website functions properly. Name cookie_optin Provider ATLAS ELEKTRONIK GmbH Lifetime 1 year Purpose Cookie to store cookie opt in ...
Export Citation: Click for automatic bibliography generation Assignee: ATLAS ELEKTRONIK GMBH (Bremen, DE) THYSSENKRUPP AG (Essen, DE) International Classes: G01S7/521G01S15/87G01S15/89H04R1/44 Foreign References: 5515342 EP2333574 <- Previous Patent (Antriebsvorrichtung)|Next Patent (Stator für ...