De-duplicated .bam files for each sample, along with their respective input controls, were binarized using the binarizeBam function of ChromHMM, with default parameters. Models considering 2–24 states were learned separately on the two replicates using the LearnModel function, with default parameters...
Dissection manual (companion to Rohen/Yokochi color atlas of anatomy: By Jack L. Wilson, Third Edition, pp. 273. Igaku-Shoin Medical Publishers, New York, 1993, $29.95 (paper)doi:10.1016/0379-0738(93)90228-3M. Ya?sar ??canELSEVIER...
Dissection manual: Companion to Rohen/Yokochi/Hall-Craggs color atlas of anatomyAngiography and brain-scanning have not abolished pneumoencephalography; indeed, air studies, especially via the subarachnoid spaces, have become more numerous in the last decade. Gross deviations of the air-filled spaces...
C. YokochiE. Lutjen-drecollWolters Kluwer Health/Lippincott Williams & WilkinsJAMAJ. W. Rohan,C. Yokochi,E. Lutjen-drecoll.J. W. Rohan,C. Yokochi.J. W. Rohan.Color Atlas of Anatomy:A Photographic Study of the Human Body,1995
Chihiro YokochiSchattauer
Color atlas of anatomy: A photographic study of the human body: By Johannes W. Rohen and Chihiro Yokochi, Third Edition, pp. 484. Igaku-Shoin Medical Publishers, New York, 1993, $58.00 (hard cover)doi:10.1016/0379-0738(93)90227-2M....
RobertD.AclandElsevier Inc.The American Journal of SurgeryColor atlas of anatomy. A photographic study of the human body: Edited by Johannes W. Rohan and Chihiro Yokochi. New York: Igaku-Shoin, 1986. 417 pages. $85.00. Robert D. Acland. The American Journal of Surgery . 1987...