npu-smi info -t board -i id -c chip_id 参数说明 类型 描述 id 设备id。通过npu-smi info -l命令查出的NPU ID即为设备id。 chip_id 芯片id。通过npu-smi info -m命令查出的Chip ID即为芯片id。 使用指南 对于Atlas 200I DK A2 开发者套件与Atlas 200I A2 加速模块,该命令不支持在非root用户...
概述 为了增强昇腾AI处理器系统功能的可维护性,需要一套黑匣子机制,保证系统在发生异常时能保存必要的软硬件参数信息,方便系统故障的诊断分析,快速实现问题定位。 Atlas 200I A2 加速模块 Atlas 200I DK A2 开发者套件 Atlas 500 A2 智能小站 读者对象 本文档主要适用于以下人员: 华为技术支持工程师 渠道伙伴技术支...
在Atlas200DK上短接UART1的RX和TX是否可以正常进入烧录模式 18676705201 回复 Andy_Liu 1年前 复制链接地址 不行的 潘晗煜 将任务状态从Analysing 修改为Feedback 1年前 潘晗煜 1年前 复制链接地址 你好,这边已经和客户、产品线、硬件部门相关人员拉群内部讨论处理,此issue先关闭。潘...
Atlas 200 DK对外提供一个Micro SD卡槽,接口类型是SD 3.0,向下兼容SD 2.0标准。推荐使用SD 3.0接口标准的Micro SD卡。容量要求最小8GB,最大2TB。 说明 建议用户使用已验证过的SD卡,如:三星UHS-I U3 CLASS 10 64G,金士顿UHS-I U1 CLASS 10 64G。 4.4 Atlas 200 DK的供电接口使用普通的DC插头,供电的电压...
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The internal heterogeneity of breast cancer, notably the tumor microenvironment (TME) consisting of malignant and non-malignant cells, has been extensively explored in recent years. The cells in this complex cellular ecosystem activate or suppress tumor
German Cancer Consortium (DKTK), Partner Site Berlin, German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), Heidelberg, Germany David Capper Department of ENT, Barts Health NHS Trust, London, UK Matt Lechner University of Exeter Medical School, University of Exeter, Exeter, UK Chrissie Thirlwell Altius Institute ...
Briefly, quality control was performed based on the following criteria: cells with mapped number of genes <200 or with mitochondrial percentage higher than 10% were removed. Variable genes were determined using Seurat’s FindVariableGenes function with default parameters (selection.method = “vst...
interaction between inhibitory co-stimulatory molecule PDCD1 and PDCD1LG2 reveal the suppressive effect on immunity of SLC40A1+TAMs and APOC1+TAMs. CD200-CD200R1 contributing to tumor growth and progression [78] indicates the pro-tumor function of SLC40A1+TAMs by interacting with CD4-C4. In...
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