Mail: General Atlantic Service Company, L.P., Park Avenue Plaza, 55 East 52nd Street, 33rd Floor, New York, NY 10055 (or such other address where we have an office in your home country. For further information, see
Customer Records Information.Personal information as defined in the California customer records law, such as name, contact information, and financial account information; Protected Class Information.Characteristics of protected classifications under California or federal law, such as gender and age; ...
Our service area includes seven local Weather Forecast Offices (WFOs) - Binghamton, NY (BGM), New York, NY (OKX), State College, PA (CTP), Philadelphia/Mt Holly (PHI), Baltimore/Washington (LWX), Wakefield, VA (AKQ), and Blacksburg, VA (RNK). Our office is collocated with the Stat...
office view 1 officinale 1 oil 1 okara 1 old 213 olives 1 Olverk 1 one 151 one person 1 one way 1 one-year-old 1 onion 4 only 3 Onundarfjordur 1 Onundarfjordur Pier 1 open 5 open sign 1 optical 1 optimization 3 orange 59 oranges 2 organ 2 ...
Abstract OXYGEN isotope measurements in Greenland ice demonstrate that a series of rapid warm-cold oscillations—called Dansgaard–Oeschger events—punctuated the last glaciation1. Here we present records of sea surface temperature from North Atlantic sediments spanning the past 90 kyr which contain a ...
In 1969, Stephen Stills' manager David Geffen came to Jerry Wexler and asked for Stills' release from his Atlantic contract. Geffen wanted to take a new group Stills had joined to Columbia Records. Wexler lost his temper and threw Geffen out of his office. The next day Geffen called Ahmet...
records. Here, the coldest glacial SST’s occur simultaneously with maxima in ice volume at the end of glaciation periods rather than about 10 to 15kyr earlier as is observed in the tropical SST records. Nonetheless, the notably warm temperatures characteristic of the glacial MIS 6 in the ...
Evidence from copious historical and folkloric records confirms that Irish ‘Beltaine’ fires in Ireland were held on 1st May as well as at Midsummer day, with many traditions being interchangeable. William Robert Wilde noted this in his immediate post-famine account of lost or dying Irish ...
Having had no success in pressing his claims with Morse, Hubbell wrote another Memorial to Congress. TheCongressional GlobeforTuesday, January 27, 1857, records: OCEANIC TELEGRAPH. Mr. BRODHEAD. I desire to present the memorial of Horatio Hubbell, of Philadelphia, who states that he was the ori...
From sea ice to blubber: Linking whale condition to krill abundance using historical whaling records. Polar Biol. 2015, 38, 1195–1202. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] Christiansen, F.; Rodríguez-González, F.; Martínez-Aguilar, S.; Urbán, J.; Swartz, S.; Warick, H.; Vivier, F.; Bej...