The band's record label, Atlantic Records was keen to issue this track as a single, but the band's manager Peter Grant refused requests to do so in both 1972 and 1973. Az együttes kiadója, az Atlantic Records minden áron ki akarta adni a dalt kislemezen is, de Peter Grant men...
Looks at back at the relationship Atlantic Records has had with rhythm and blues (R&B) music from 1948-1998. Start of Atlantic Records' interest in R&B in the late 1940s; R&B artists signed during the 1950s; The signing of Ray Charles; Comments from Ahmet Ertegun, co-founder of ...
Berthou S, Renshaw R, Smyth T et al (2024) Exceptional atmospheric conditions in June 2023 generated a northwest European marine heatwave which contributed to breaking land temperature records. Commun Earth Environ 5(1):287 Article Google Scholar Bihlo A (2021) A generative adversarial network ...
Atlantic hurricane risk in the U.S. continues to increase “substantially as oceanic and atmospheric conditions reach a point where tropical cyclone formation” is becoming increasingly favorable, putting the season’s outlook on par with some past massive and destructive seasons, storm experts said o...
Here, we present the quantification of the contribution of both Northern Hemisphere’s modes IPO and AMV to the abrupt warming in Northeast Asia in the 1990s. To understand the contribution of external forcings and internal variability to SAT changes over Northeast Asia, it is crucial to ...
Analyses of extreme flooding in Austria over the period 1951–2006 (2) upper tail and scaling properties of the flood peak records, and (3) relation between magnitude and frequency of flooding and the North Atlantic ... G Villarini,JA Smith,F Serinaldi,... - 《International Journal of Clim...
Lake Torfadalsvatn: a high resolution record of the North Atlantic ash zone I and the last glacial﹊nterglacial environmental changes in Iceland High resolution environmental records with a refined chronology are essential to understand, reconstruct and model the climate dynamics of the last glacial....
NorthernHemisphereinthe1950sand’60s, andasubsequentstrengtheningcouldhave helpedwarmitinthe1980sand’90s.Butthe recordsweretooshorttoprovethattheAMO isapermanentfixtureoftheclimatesystemor thatvariationsintheconveyordrivetheAMO. Takingthelongview,climatemodelerJeff KnightoftheHadleyCentreforClimate PredictionandRes...
The present paper is an attempt to predict (for comparison) the wave conditions that would have been encountered by the moving ship from analysis of the oceanwide weather records and the use of a high-speed digital computer process for forecasting waves in moving, variable wind systems. The ...
The Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC), a tipping component of the climate system, is projected to slowdown during the 21st century in response to increased atmospheric CO2 concentration. The rate and start of the weakening are associated with relatively large uncertainties. Observed sea...