Open any nineteenth century navigational chart of the Atlantic Ocean and what is immediately apparent is the proliferation of rocks, shoals, islands and other hazards that litter almost every corner of the ocean. Known to seamen as 'vigias', these were dangers whose existence rested on authentic,...
And not all had nautical and offshore expertise. To get in shape to row nonstop across 3,000 miles of open ocean, they worked with former competitive rower Cady Hart-Petterssen to devise a program to build strength and endurance. As the race drew nearer, the team converged on Bégin...
There are are a number of Entrances, Inlets, or Passes between the the Atlantic Ocean coastal waters of Virginia and the sheltered waters inside. From Chincoteague Inlet in the north to Rudee Inlet in the south.While many of these are only suitable for shallow draft vessels with local ...
20°. The bathymetric data was retrieved from the International Bathymetric Chart of the Arctic Ocean (Jakobsson et al., 2012). (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.) Roughly half (~1.8 Sv) of the...
Entrances, Inlets, and Passes There are numerous Entrances, Inlets, or Passes between the deep waters of the Atlantic Ocean and the East Coast of Florida. From St. Marys Entrance in the north to Miami in the south. While many of these are only suitable for shallow draft vessels with local...
The anchor marks the position of the cable grappling ground at latitude 4° 21’ S, longitude 81° 36’ W. From the contour of the seabed it can be seen why George West found abrupt changes in the depth of the ocean, from 400 to 1163 fathoms. The line of the cable, running roughly...
Its full title, which leaves no doubt as to the subject matter, is “The Laying of the Cable, Or the Ocean Telegraph; Being a Complete and Authentic Narrative of the Attempt to Lay the Cable Across the Entrance to the Gulf of St. Lawrence in 1855, and of the Three Atlantic Telegraph ...
The North Atlantic nautical chart of 1424doi:10.1080/03085695308592028Armando CortesaoE. J. BrillImago MundiThe North Atlantic nautical chart of 1424", Imago Mundi, A review of Early Cartography, nº X, Stockholm, 1953, pp. 1-13 + chart + tables of contents....