If you have fair credit, you can still get credit, it just will be at a higher interest rate. Lenders will generally let you qualify for a mortgage with a credit score above 650. What Is A Good Credit Score To Buy A Car? If you want to buy a car, you can typically qualify with ...
New American Funding is a direct mortgage lender offering an array of mortgage loan options including purchase, refinance, and first time home buyer loans.
Where to Get Your Real FICO Score, not a Free Fake FICO ScoreThere are plenty of advertisements selling free credit reports. But most of them aren't the real FICO Scores that lenders base decisions on. The good thing is that there is a way to actually get your real FICO score for free...
Car loans are one of the most common types of consumer loans, and they differ quite a bit from other types of loans. Since the loan is secured by the vehicle, auto financing tends to be easier to obtain, even if you have bad credit, although loan rates could be higher, creating a hi...