Dave Preter is president and CEO of Georgia’s Own Credit Union, a $4.3 billion financial services institution. Before assuming his current role in 2011, Preter facilitated growth in the credit union industry by bolstering and executing the strategic plans of several organizations in the Midwest a...
000 tab on his credit card, Steve got 20% of that too. He charged him an extra 20%. So Steve got 20% from the customer for that 10,000. And then he got 20% of that 2000 that the girl got just in that one transaction right there. So Steve was getting 20% of every dollar ...
She recalled non-essential city-owned cars, cell phones and credit cards and issued an administrative order to freeze vacancies except in public safety. These were difficult and painful choices to make, but necessary to balance the budget. Over the course of her outstanding career, Ms Franklin ...
Affiliates, which advocates for the betterment of nearly 300 credit unions in Alabama, Florida, and Georgia. EDUCATIONVillanova University, Duke University (MBA) HOMETOWNSavannah TOUGHEST CHALLENGEConsistently running six miles a day in the Atlanta summer heat FAVORITE TV SHOWHouse of Cards BUCKET LISTC...