ATK Package (ASUS Keyboard Hotkeys) is an application released by the software company ASUSTeK COMPUTER INC..Sometimes, people decide to erase it. This is hard because removing this manually requires some skill related to PCs. One of the best EASY approach to erase ATK Pack...
系统默认启动一般不是光驱(不 ASUS k42j W7系统,每次开机后USB鼠标无反应,需要拔下USB插头再插上就可以,触摸板好着。驱动卸了么用 重装那些硬件驱动试试,比如主板驱动,反正有驱动盘,上面的驱动都重装一次 还有可能和360,金山卫士之类的开机加速有关,把 猜你关注广告 1广州搬家公司 2聚丙烯酰胺 3传感器 ps抠...