STUDENTSMATHEMATICAL modelsREALITYTRIANGULATIONThe article aims to investigate validation in mathematical modelling activities with the objective of organizing a framework related to validation in these activities through data triangulation to give coherence and cohesion ...
ATIVIDADES PRTICAS NA EDUCAO BSICA: PERCEPES DE PS-GRADUANDOS EM CINCIAS E MATEMTICAdoi:10.59306/poiesis.v18e332024348-366SCIENCE educationBASIC educationMATHEMATICS educationGRADUATE educationGRADUATE studentsThis article examines the relevance of practical activit...
ATIVIDADES COTIDIANAS E INCIDNCIA DE ANSIEDADE E DEPRESSO DOS IDOSOS EM HEMODILISE: ESTUDO TRANSVERSALdoi:10.54751/revistafoco.v17n4-003STAIR climbingOLDER peopleACTIVITIES of daily livingMENTAL depressionANXIETYObjective: Analyze daily activities changes and assess anxiety...
Consequently, the objective of this study was to present a playful educational proposal for physical education classes adapted due to the Covid-19 pandemic. This work proposes the development of physical education activities adapted according to recommendations for resumin...
Fragilidade ambiental do Parque Estadual do Pau Furado e os impactos das atividades humanas em sua zona de amortecimentodoi:10.31413/nat.v12i2.17139Analysis of the state of fragility of Conservation Units (CUs) allows for appropriate management actions to protect local and ...
A IMPORTNCIA DA AVALIAO ERGONMICA DO TRABALHO EM ATIVIDADES DE MANUTENO DE EQUIPAMENTOS NA MINERAOdoi:10.54751/revistafoco.v17n2-117WORK environmentMUSCULOSKELETAL system diseasesERGONOMICSWOUNDS & injuriesThe basic concern of this study is to reflect on the importance...