A very important observation on the Goel, according to Jewish tradition, when there was no heir, the court had the right to assume the position of the“goel.”This draws in the concept of the“heavenly court”making every man, woman, and child on earth guilty before God due to sin. The...
Polygoni cuspidati root is a resveratrol-rich source with anti-inflammatory, angiogenic and neuroprotective effects. The raw material was standardized for the content of resveratrol, for which there is a special justification for administration within the oral mucosa. To improve the solubility of resver...
This accords with Tracy and Hinrich’s concept of “sincerity” [66]. A reflexive approach was adopted throughout the research process to make transparent the first author’s beliefs and assumptions, using a memo-writing process [68]. This recognized that subjectivity is part and parcel of the...