1、地址栏输入http://www.amd.com/ 2、找到网站导航栏的“技术支持”3、点击“Download graphics drivers”4、根据自己的系统(若你的电脑未做特殊说明是32-bit系统)选择驱动,显卡型号是“Radeon3400 Series”(不是MobilityRadeon),点击右下角的“Go”5、选择下载组件,在“Option 2”下第一步下...
你这个是ATI板载显卡驱动,用ATI催化剂和主板自带驱动安装都可以。昂达官网ATI催化剂地址 http://www.onda.cn/pro/download/driveexp.jsp?Id=901106 驱动之家的 http://drivers.mydrivers.com/drivers/205-82186-ATI-Radeon-HD-2400-HD-2600-HD-2900-XT-HD-2900-XT-HD-3850-HD-3870-Mobility/ 这...
Both use the same two last drivers from AMD which doesn't support your GPU card anymore with new drivers from here: https://www.amd.com/en/support/graphics/amd-radeon-hd/ati-radeon-hd-5000-series/ati-radeon-hd-5550 You have a choice : 1- WHQL 2015 2-BETA -2016 Unless your HD 55...
First all HD Series GPU cards are not supported by AMD with driver updates. So here is the last Windows 10 driver for your HD8350: https://www.amd.com/en/support/downloads/drivers.html/graphics/radeon-hd/radeon-hd-8000-series/amd-r... Both are very old and won't run most of today...
"fglrx" kernel module is loaded at boot, X will be able to start using the "radeon" driver but "Direct Rendering" (DRI) will be disabled. This results in a severe performance reduction. Use System->Administration->Hardware Drivers to make sure "ATI accelerated graphics driver" is not in ...
官方正式版最新的是 10.2 驱动 http://drivers.mydrivers.com/drivers/349-139801-AMD (ATI)-Radeon-HD-2400-HD-2600-HD-2900-/ 而测试版的最新驱动是这个 http://drivers.mydrivers.com/drivers/349-139924-AMD (ATI)-Radeon-HD-2400-HD-2600-HD-2900-/ ...
http://drivers.mydrivers.com/drivers/270-108085-AMD(ATI)-Radeon-HD-2400-HD-2600-HD-2900-/ 2009年6月发布的,绿色无毒
AMD Radeon™ 显卡驱动 AMD Radeon™ 显卡驱动 催化剂软件完整安装包 http://www2.ati....
猛然发现之前自己重新安装过一次,并且将c盘下的drivers文件夹拷贝到d盘备份了再重装的系统,于是运行了d盘下“\DRIVERS\WIN\VIDEO\AMD Graphic Driver\Setup.exe”,没想到问题迎刃而解了!所以,特此把此好东东上传,供之前跟我一样郁闷的人儿分享。本来想上传同样的安装程序,但是压缩了都有170多M,没有权限上传那么大...
Went back on and updated my device, selecting the location of the downloaded AMD drivers program and each time it installed the ATI Radeon 3000 graphics driver. I can't see any way of manually updating it with the correct software. Solved! Go to Solution.0...