athwart 显示所有例句 prep. 1. 横跨于across; from one side to the other 2. 与…不一致;与…相反not agreeing with; opposite to 例句 释义: 全部,斜,不便,船侧朝风,横跨于,与…不一致,与…相反,阑干,横过,横越 更多例句筛选 1. Just as the first ray of the rising sun shot like a golden...
The ship steamedathwartthe tug. 船朝着那条拖船横向驶去. 互联网 The ship was anchoredathwartthe harbour mouth. 轮船横着停泊在港囗里. 互联网 On one another, as they strikeathwart. 翅膀碰上了翅膀,彼此瞪着. 互联网 Rudderless , we driftathwarta tempest, and when once the storm of youth is...
athwart 音标[ә'θwɒ:t] athwart是什么意思、athwart怎么读 athwart汉语翻译 ad. 横跨着, 相反 prep. 横跨, 逆, 与...相反 相关词组: to go athwart sb's purpose athwart英语解释 副词athwart: at right angles to the center line of a ship ...
athwart是什么意思 音标: 英 [əˈθwɔ:t] 美 [əˈθwɔrt] adv. 横跨着, 相反 prep. 横跨, 逆, 与...相反 r. at right angles to the center line of a ship athwart的用法和例句: 1.It is he who would standathwartyou, he who would drive you from your seat of power....
athwart [英[əˈθwɔ:t]美[əˈθwɔ:rt]] athwart的意思、解释 adv.& prep.横跨着;斜穿过;逆;相反横过 网络横跨;横过;船的横向;横座板 更多
athwart常见例句 1、Excursive driver problem is more serious in little towns.They would make turns whenever they want without signals.They would ride their scooters athwart the roads.───老爸从大陆回来,其实我不是刻意要与他抗衡,而是过去的事情,实在是太难放下。 2、Rudderless, we drift athwart ...
athwart 横跨 来自短语on thwart. 英文词源 athwart (adv.) late 15c., from a- (1) + thwart. 例句和用法 1. They put a table athwart the doorway. 他们把桌子横放在门口。 《牛津词典》 2. His statement ran athwart what was previously said. 他讲的话与先前所说的相抵触。 《牛津词典》 3...
athwart 横跨着;相反;prep. 横跨;与...相反 美[əˈθwɔrt] 考点解读 托福 雅思 athwart 常考释义 adv. 横跨着;相反;prep. 横跨;与...相反 单词详解 英汉双解 adv. 横穿地;贯穿地 prep. 与…对立;与…相互排斥 prep. 横过;横越【海】 ...
英语解释 at right angles to the center line of a ship at an oblique angle相似短语 right athwart 正横方向 athwart hawse 横交船位 things go athwart. st.事与愿违. Things go athwart 事与愿违 Things go athwart. st. 事与愿违. to go athwart sb's purpose 与(某人)的目的相违背...
1) athwart[英][ə'θwɔ:t] [美][ə'θwɔrt] 横座板;横梁;横过;横跨 2) athwart[英][ə'θwɔ:t] [美][ə'θwɔrt] 横座板;横梁;船的横向 3) span cross 横移过跨 4) cross deck 横跨甲板 5) thought[英][θɔ:t] [美][θɔt] ...