名称AMD Athlon XP 3200+添加对比 性能排名第5038名 得分281 TDP62 W 插槽类型AM2 核心数1 线程数1 主频2.2 GHZ 发布时间Q4 2008 其它名称AMD Athlon(tm) XP 3200+ AMD Athlon XP 3200+与其它CPU性能对比 AMD Athlon XP 3200+ 与 AMD Ryzen Threadripper PRO 7995WX 性能比较 ...
Athlon家族顶级奉献——XP 3200+ Athlon XP3200+AMD公司处理器总线速度摘要:VIP石油工业计算机应用
随后我们进入到了Windows XP系统下,由于关闭了屏保和电源管理,我们能一直通过Hmonitor软件监视CPU的核心温度,除了必要的后台程序之外,在30分钟内无动作,这两款散热器都让Athlon XP 3200+处理器的温度都保持在37°C。 然后我们运行Suerp π 16M计算,整个过程大约30分钟,这个时间内,CPU一直处于计算之中,Athlon XP 320...
AMD Athlon XP 3200+ (266FSB) advantages The 3200+ comes with higher operating frequency than the Sempron 2600+ processor. AMD Sempron 2600+ (rev. D0) advantages Enhanced Virus Protection feature, supported by this part, can protect from certain kinds of computer viruses. Older OSes, like Win...
从最后的得分看出,低分辨率条件下,AthlonXP 3200+系统有被3GHz P4系统拉开差距的危险,内存带宽的制约让它无法充分发挥自己的处理能力,与3GHz P4相比,实际上过大的频率差距让浮点运算能力落败是测试落后的主因。随着分辨率提高,瓶颈逐渐向显卡转移,得分有缩小的趋势,但还是能够得出AhtlonXP 3200+速度太慢的结论。<...
Athlon 64 3000+ (rev. D0)Athlon XP 3200+ (400FSB) General recommendations: Helps protect computer from viruses, 64-bit OS support, Supports SSE2 instructions General recommendations: Operates at higher base frequency Drawbacks: Base frequency is lower ...
AMD Athlon XP 3200+ (400FSB) advantages This CPU offers higher operating frequency than the 2600+ processor. AMD Sempron 2600+ (rev. E3) advantages Enhanced Virus Protection technology, also called NX or XD bit, can protect from some types of computer viruses. The 2600+ supports AMD64 featur...
AthlonXP 3200+的400MHz总线也不甘示弱,虽然效率仍有不及,得分依然值得刮目相看,从中看出通过Cache的优化设计,AthlonXP 3200+的传输效率要比P4高,但是仅仅对手一半多一点的得分会让AthlonXP 3200+在面对Quake3这类需要进行大数据量交换的应用中感到无奈。< ...
CPU说明AMD AthlonXP 3000+ AMD Sempron 3200+ CPU系列型号AthlonXP Sempron 核心类型Barton Palermo CPU针脚数目462 Pin754 Pin制程工艺130 纳米90 纳米〖技术参数〗处理器频率2.167 GHz1.8 GHz前端总线333 MHz400 MHzHT总线 800 MHz处理器倍频13 9 处理器外频166 MHz200 MHz内存控制器 支持 CPU...
- AMD Athlon 64 3200+ (rev. CG, AW) - AMD Athlon XP 3200+ (266FSB) On-chip L1 + L2 cache 800 640 480 320 1600 640KB 384KB Higher is better Detailed side by side comparison of 3200+ vs 3200+ specs can be found in the Specifications section below. Pros and Co...