Head Athletic Trainer in Professional Football In my own job coaching pro athletes, I refer to Kirk every time I need expertise. “I first came to ATI in 2004, since then I’ve seen a consistent relentless pursuit to help people, whether it is finding the best new ways to treat or tr...
Our mission at LiveWell Athletic Club is to improve the health and wellness of East Texas. We believe that good heath and wellness can be achieved by anyone, and we pride ourselves on being able to provide the tools and facilities necessary to help peopl
3 Virginia Football Players Killed, Ex-Player in Custody November/December 2022 Unified Sports on the Rise Across the Country Auburn Fires Harsin After Less Than 2 Seasons Texas High School Basketball Programs Stripped of UIL Title, Hit With Postseason Ban Former Youth Hockey Treasurer Indicted for...
In this episode of the ASAP Podcast, brought to you bySpecAthleticThe Sports Flooring Professionals, Ed Cicale traveled to Philadelphia to visit the Mainline Health and Fitness Training Center in Byrn Mawr. Founded by the passionate strength trainer, Roger Schwab, Mainline Health and Fitness evolved...
“I started my training with my personal trainer and he noticed something different with my turnover while I ran. He said something was different. Mind you I only had been doing this Run Faster Program for about a week, and I forgot to mention the program only consists of a 15 minute ...
The design of the study was to interview an athletic administrator or athletic director, a coach, and an athletic trainer from each of the community colleges in a western state. These interviews occurred on the community college campus to allow for observation of the facilities. In addition, a...
In this episode of the ASAP Podcast, brought to you bySpecAthleticThe Sports Flooring Professionals, Ed Cicale traveled to Philadelphia to visit the Mainline Health and Fitness Training Center in Byrn Mawr. Founded by the passionate strength trainer, Roger Schwab, Mainline Health and Fitness evolved...
I AM A CERTIFIED ATHLETIC TRAINER! RESPECT ME! LOVE ME! HONOR ME! It’s not often I completely take a post from another, but Mr. Yusuf Boyd, ofBiomechaniksin Tennessee and North Carolina wrote a post last week that was on point! While I do not agree with everything in the post, ...
Held in the man’s left hand at an oblique angle is a forked knotty staff, an emblem of authority that identifies him as an athletic trainer or official, the Etruscan equivalent of a Greek agonothetes, a judge or superintendent of the sacred games. Advancing to the right, he pauses in...