3. 设备管理器中,更新无线网卡驱动,浏览器到CommView for WiFi 安装目录下的Driver目录,驱动安装成功以后就可以任意无线网卡的MAC地址了。 最后,我猜可以不用安装CommView for WiFi ,直接安装CommView for WiFi 的驱动应该就可以了: CommView for WiFi 的无线网卡驱动http://www.xun6.net/file/1c12d91c5/Comm...
最后提供一个仅供測试的方法,我将我的驱动备份下来了,大家能够拿去试试 仅仅保证能驱动Windows 8/8.1 64位,Windows 7 64位未測(32位用户自己尝试更新) 下载地址:http://maxsky.ys168.com/,05.||浮云文件||,Windows.8|8.1, Atheros_AR9285_Wireless_Driver_Support150Mbps_Win8.rar ---Windows8/8.1片段-...
ar9285网卡驱动,老版本。 网卡驱动,ar9285网卡老版本驱动。谢谢大家支持。 上传者:u011363483时间:2013-07-10 AR81Family-linux-v1.0.1.4.tar.gz_Atheros_Atheros ar81 linux_athe Atheros driver for Atheros AR81 family network device 上传者:weixin_42665255时间:2022-09-14 ...
If the updated driver doesn't work and/or you still get the Windows update notification, right click on the update, select Hide update, and you won't be bothered with it again. Then stay with the driver I first posted if the HP driver sp61411 fails to install. Tags: ...
Windows XP Service Pack 3 Hardware ID: :TSNetNdis5mp CLASS Net MFG Tencent ENUMERATOR_NAME ROOT SERVICE TSNetNdis5mp HARDWAREID TSNetNdis5mp CLASSGUID {4D36E972-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318} DRIVER {4d36e972-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\0013 ...
Atheros AR5005G无线网卡Windows 7驱动 Qualcomm Atheros AR5005G Wireless Windows 7驱动程序,全网唯一可以使用的Windowns 7驱动,如果你找遍全网都找不到Atheros AR5005G Wireless Windows 7的驱动程序,可以试试这个。祝你好运! 上传者:zonly0时间:2022-05-05 ...
AtherosChipset / RemarkWinXP32bitWinXP64bitVista32bitVista64bitWin732bitWin764bitWin832bitWin864bit AR1111 AR2427 AR5001A AR5111/AR5211 AR5001X AR5111/AR5211/AR2111 AR5001X+ AR5111/AR5212/AR2111 AR5002G AR2112/AR5212 AR5002X AR2112/AR5212 AR5004G AR2112/AR5213 AR5004X...
Latest Qualcomm Atheros device drivers for WLAN/WiFI, LAN and Bluetooth for Microsoft Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10 and Windows 11.
Filename: win78- (4472kb)Status: WHQLAtheros AR5004G, AR5004X, AR5005G, AR5005GS, AR5006EG, AR5006EX, AR5006X, AR5007EG, AR5008X, AR9002WB-1NG, AR9280, AR9281, AR9283, AR9285, AR9287, AR938x, AR946x, AR9485, AR9485WB-EG Qualcomm Atheros 802.11 a/...