(Trieste United States Troops) a select group of the 351st soldiers assigned to protect the city of Trieste. Following completion of his military service on March 14, 1948, he returned home to become employed and was widely known for his many years of service at the Sayre Post Office, wher...
美国的邮编系统,也被称为邮政区编号(Zone Improvement Plan,简称ZIP),官方机构为USPS(美国邮政署),类似我们的中国邮政。美国邮编可以分为4大类STANDARD(普通邮编),MILITARY(军队邮编),PO BOX(Post Office BOX 邮局邮编),UNIQUE(大客户邮编,学校,机构等)。美国邮编主要由5位数字组成,代表不同的地理区域。这些数字的...
美国的邮编系统,也被称为邮政区编号(Zone Improvement Plan,简称ZIP),官方机构为USPS(美国邮政署),类似我们的中国邮政。美国邮编可以分为4大类STANDARD(普通邮编),MILITARY(军队邮编),PO BOX(Post Office BOX 邮局邮编),UNIQUE(大客户邮编,学校,机构等)。美国邮编主要由5位数字组成,代表不同的地理区域。这些数字的...
After enduring the first week of classes, Cole Murtiff came to Ohio University's celebra- tion for the new residence halls to have a good time.The freshman, studying engineering, will- ingly fell 20 feet off a platform as part of the stunt jump."It was pretty scary, it's a lo...