R. Va´squez-Ram´irez, G. Alor-Herna´ndez, C. Sa´nchez-Ram´irez, J. Guzma´n-Luna, R. Zatarain-Cabada, and M.-L. Barro´n- Estrada, "AthenaTV: an authoring tool of educational applica- tions for TV using android-based interface design patterns," New Review of ...
device,asalreadydescribed,thePoly-emitterWorkFunctionisthensetto4.17Vandis correctforsaturationdopedn++polysilicon.Butifthepoly-emitterisnotsaturation-doped, theworkfunctionwilldifferfromthisidealandhaveapronouncedaffectonthebasecurrent andcurrentgaininthemediuminjectionregimeasshowninFigure2-38.Theworkfunction ofth...
USING EXTERNAL FUNCTION detect_entities_all(text_col VARCHAR,lang VARCHAR)RETURNS VARCHAR LAMBDA'textanalytics-udf'SELECT detect_entities_all('His name is Joe, he lives in Richmond VA, he bought an Amazon Echo Show on January 5th, and he loves it','en')...
13. A method of recovering from a processor reset during the execution of a heating process used with a temperature controller for a heating chamber, the method comprising the following steps: during execution of the heating process, incrementally storing at a fixed time interval one or more vali...
USING EXTERNAL FUNCTION detect_pii_entities_all(text_col VARCHAR, lang VARCHAR) RETURNS VARCHAR LAMBDA 'textanalytics-udf' SELECT detect_pii_entities_all('His name is Joe, his username is joe123 and he lives in Richmond VA', 'en') as pii_...
Knowledge Based Decision Support Systems: A Survey on Technologies and Application Domains. In Group Decision and Negotiation. A Process-Oriented View, Proceedings of the Joint INFORMS-GDN and EWG-DSS International Conference, GDN 2014, Toulouse, France, 10–13 June 2014; Zaraté, P., Kersten, ...