A summary list of data catalogs. Type: Array of DataCatalogSummary objects NextToken A token generated by the Athena service that specifies where to continue pagination if a previous request was truncated. To obtain the next set of pages, pass in the NextToken from the response object of the...
ListCalculationExecutions 授予权限以返回计算执行的列表 列出 workgroup* ListCapacityReservations 授予返回指定容量预留列表的权限 AWS 账户 列出 ListDataCatalogs 授予返回指定数据目录列表的权限 AWS 账户 列出 ListDatabases 授予返回给定数据目录的数据库列表的权限 列出 datacatalog* ListEngineVersions 授予返回指定...
"athena:ListWorkGroups", "athena:ListTableMetadata", "athena:ListQueryExecutions", "athena:ListPreparedStatements", "athena:ListNamedQueries", "athena:ListEngineVersions", "athena:ListDatabases", "athena:ListDataCatalogs", "athena:GetWorkGroup", "athena:GetTableMetadata", "athena:GetQueryResultsStream...
Beside the bucket policy I also have in the ACL the standard full access to the bucket owner, which is the same Account I run my Athena Query from. I run my query in the AWS Management Console. Not sure if related: AWS Glue Crawler is not able to read the files. But can list them...
delete_data_catalog() delete_named_query() delete_work_group() generate_presigned_url() get_data_catalog() get_database() get_named_query() get_paginator() get_query_execution() get_query_results() get_table_metadata() get_waiter() get_work_group() list_data_catalogs() list_databases...
list_application_dpu_sizes list_calculation_executions list_capacity_reservations list_data_catalogs list_databases list_engine_versions list_executors list_named_queries list_notebook_metadata list_notebook_sessions list_prepared_statements list_query_executions ...
aws athena list-data-catalogs 輸出: { "DataCatalogsSummary": [ { "CatalogName": "AwsDataCatalog", "Type": "GLUE" }, { "CatalogName": "cw_logs_catalog", "Type": "LAMBDA" }, { "CatalogName": "cw_metrics_catalog", "Type": "LAMBDA" } ] } 如需詳細資訊,請參閱Amazon Athena 使...
$aws athena list-data-catalogs --region us-east-1 下列範例結果為格JSON式。 {"DataCatalogs": [{"CatalogName":"AwsDataCatalog","Type":"GLUE"},{"CatalogName":"hms-catalog-1","Type":"HIVE","Parameters":{"metadata-function":"arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:111122223333:function:external-hms-se...
Lists the data catalogs in the current Amazon Web Services account. ListEngineVersionsResult listEngineVersions(ListEngineVersionsRequest listEngineVersionsRequest) Returns a list of engine versions that are available to choose from, including the Auto option. ListExecutorsResult listExecutors(ListExecutors...
ListCalculationExecutions 計算実行のリストを返す許可を付与 リスト workgroup* ListCapacityReservations 指定された のキャパシティ予約のリストを返すアクセス許可を付与 AWS アカウント リスト ListDataCatalogs 指定された のデータカタログのリストを返すアクセス許可を付与 AWS アカウン...