Athena, in Greek religion, the city protectress, goddess of war, handicraft, and practical reason, identified by the Romans with Minerva. Representing the intellectual and civilized side of war and the virtues of justice and skill, Athena was superior to
Athena was the ancient Greek goddess of wisdom and good counsel, war, the defence of towns, heroic endeavour, weaving, pottery and various other crafts. She was depicted as a stately woman armed with a shield and spear, and wearing a long robe, crested h
In Charleston, Aphrodite states that Athena was affected the most by the splitting of the Greek and Roman gods, because she was the most worshiped Greek god, being the patron of Athens itself. Later, in the lair of Arachne, Annabeth states that Arachne was better than Athena in the weaving...
Athena is a major character in the God of War franchise. She is the deuteragonist of the Greek Era and a minor antagonist in the 2018 video game God of War. She is the Olympian Greek God of wisdom and war who served as an ally to Kratos during his quest
Athena is the Greek virgin goddess of reason, intelligent activity, arts and literature. She was the daughter of Zeus; her birth is unique in that sh...
Because of her existence, it showed the value of intelligence, strategy, and wisdom in Greek culture. Athena, as a daughter of Zeus, had a unique beginning. She burst out of his forehead, and that makes sense for what she came to represent. It was a rough beginning, but she eventually...
Athena, the Greek goddess of war, wisdom, poetry, artisans, craftworking, and intellect, was as strong-willed and powerful as her great-grandmother Gaia had predicted. She was well-known to be Zeus's favorite daughter, and was forever loyal to her father, no matter what he got himself ...
Her given name comes from Athena, the goddess of (amongst other things) wisdom, courage, inspiration, law and justice, strategy, and skill in Greek mythology. This is likely meant to link her name with the given names of both Apollo Justice (named after the Greek god of the same name) ...
Greek Name Παναθηναια Transliteration Panathênaia Latin Spelling Panathenaea Translation All-Athena, All-Athenian "Athena of Type Parthenos", Greco-Roman marble statue C1st A.D., Musée du Louvre THE PANATHENAIA was an Athenian festival celebrated every June in honour of the...
Apollo: god of music. Athena: goddess of military victory. He was a healer. She wore a helmet and carried a shield. On the surface, these Greek deities couldn’t be more different. When you start investigating their myths, however, the two have much more in common than you’d think. ...