Athena FactsAthena was the Goddess of War and the wiser, more measured counterpart to Ares, God of War. Her Roman equivalent is Minerva. Pallas is an epithet often given to Athena. She was the half-sister of Hercules, the greatest of the Greek heroes. Athena’s parents are Zeus and ...
But Metis, in the darkness of Zeus' interior, continued to carry her child. After some time, the King of Gods came down with a royal headache. Calling upon the blacksmith godHephaestus(some myths say it wasPrometheus), Zeus asked that his head be split open, whereupon sprang gray-eyed A...
Athena Facts: Lesson for Kids Next Lesson Aztecs Lesson for Kids: History & Facts Egyptian History: Lesson for Kids Goddesses of Ancient Egypt: Lesson for Kids Greek God Poseidon Facts: Lesson for Kids History of Ancient Egypt: Lesson for Kids ...
Her given name comes from Athena, the goddess of (amongst other things) wisdom, courage, inspiration, law and justice, strategy, and skill in Greek mythology. This is likely meant to link her name with the given names of both Apollo Justice (named after the Greek god of the same name) ...
Apollo: god of music. Athena: goddess of military victory. He was a healer. She wore a helmet and carried a shield. On the surface, these Greek deities couldn’t be more different. When you start investigating their myths, however, the two have much more in common than you’d think. ...
Question: Why does Athena hate Poseidon? Athena: Athena did not have a mother; she erupted from the head of Zeus fully grown and dressed in armor. She is the patron goddess of Athens and the goddess of wisdom. Key Facts: Athena is also known as Minerva in Roman mythology. ...
Athena, the Greek Goddess of Wisdom By N.S. Gill Zeus is often depicted carrying an aegis, or goatskin shield, emblazoned with the head ofMedusa, the snake-headed monster whomPerseusslew, making a gift of her head to Athena. As such, Zeus often loaned this aegis to his daughter. The ...
In Homer’sIliad,Athena, as a war goddess, inspires and fights alongside the Greek heroes; her aid is synonymous with military prowess. Also in theIliad, Zeus, the chief god, specifically assigns the sphere of war toAres, the god of war, and Athena. Athena’smoraland military superiority...
(2009) is aneccentricwork that relates a domestic drama that takes place in a parallel reality through the narrative of the Greek godHermes, andAncient Light(2012) uses characters that previously appeared inEclipseandShroudto recount an older man’s vivid recollection of his earliest love as a ...