As far as Christianity vs. atheism debates, the most well-known debater on the Christian side of the aisle is William Lane Craig. This is due to the large number of Christian vs. atheism debates he has engage in and the quality of his debate performances.[47] Atheist Sam Harris described...
Huxley was a skeptic, but he rejected the label infidel. He stressed that agnosticism was a method for the study of religion and not a creed. He wished to apply the scientific method to the study of the veracity of theNew Testamentclaims about Jesus; he thought a Christian should look at...
Some argue that emphasizing Christmas as a Christian holiday excludes non-Christians and undermines the principle of separation of church and state. Others believe that downplaying the religious aspects of Christmas erodes cultural traditions and marginalizes Christian beliefs. Another aspect of the politi...
Christian and Islamic mythology. That’s why you do what you do. All I can say is, like a soldier who sacrificed his/her life for humanity. Does the word Hero have any meaning to you. Because that’s what people consider you to be. I wish only the best for you. Good luck my fri...