The differences are: first, their purposes, politicians are to serve the public, people on the other hand are to help the government through abiding by the rules (including laws, taxes, ordinances); second, their status, most … Read More Read More Politics On Political Point Of Views – ...
Since the 18th century, as atheism has continuously gained in importance, more and more quotes on the subject have appeared. Profound statements have come from politicians and scientists, the more aesthetic references were made by writers and musicians and the ones declared by comedians and actors ...
Magee, in one of his many BBC broadcasts, had Fr. Frederick Copleston (1907 – 1994) on his programme to discuss Schopenhauer. They debated Schopenhauer’s ideas, his ethics and his characterisation of the observable phenomenal world as a manifestation of the irrationalnoumenalwill. Whether Schope...
On June 17, the US Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) has pushed ahead a draft in a majority vote that would deny President Joe Biden the Holy Communion because of his stance on abortion laws. Approval of this new statement will authorize individual bishops to deny Catholic politicians, wh...
I am no fan of politicians in general as an anarchist. But politicians are not equal at all, nor are the different parties similar on things. So it matters when humanity is on the line. One is ok with slowing our demise, while others are trying hard to burn the earth alive. We all...
I am sure he thinks there are penty of US politicians who are wacko too. @bolwerk I don’t think we are arguing :) impossible to generalize or paint with one brush the Jewish voter. True with other religions too of course. JLeslie (65895)“Great Answer” (1) Flag as… When I was...
剧情简介 Social scientists have found, time and again, that one of the least trusted groups in North America is atheists. They rank lower than most ethnic and racial minorities, and even lower than convicted rapists. People would rather elect politicians who have done drugs or had affairs tha...