The atheistPenn Jillettewatchingglobal atheismburn.[6]See:Global atheism statistics Paralyzed with fear, he isafraid to debateon the topic of Christianity which is exploding in itsnumber of adherentsworldwide. See:Global ChristianityandFuture of Christianity ...
Our nation’s founders also realized the inherent divisiveness of religion and the many bloody wars that had been fought over religion, and kept it specifically out of our Constitution and government. God is not even mentioned in our Constitution. Religion is only mentioned twice — both times t...
"Dawkins and his like-minded 'new atheists' are not just wrong about this. Indeed, they are literally laying the naïve intellectual groundwork for the next secular genocide," Hazen added.<ref>[Richard Dawkins: Morals Come From Enlightened Secular Values, Not Religion] by Eryn Sun, ...
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