总之铁三角R70X这款外观设计我个人觉得还是很不错的,不过可能是因为我个人头稍大的原因,在佩戴这款耳机的时候,它不像HD600是完全扣在耳朵上的, R70X它的佩戴应该说他是搭在耳朵上,佩戴感觉还是比较舒服,但总感觉会漏音。 声音: 声音部分,铁三角R70X就和我前面开头所说到的比喻类似,相较于森海HD600的浓郁醇厚的风...
R70x can be used with a Steinberg UR22 or with a smartphone without external amp Great sound from both pairs of headphones Cons none Both are great cans that deliver the high quality that I expected in the price range $300-$350. I'd expected the R70x to be similar to the HD600 with ...