Audio-Technica 发布新款直播专用流媒体耳机 ATH-M50xSTS / ATH-M50xSTS-USB,这两款耳机是基于广受好评的 ATH-M50X 专业监听耳机,并且融合了经典的 20 系列话筒技术,是专为满足从事直播内容创作者的需求而开发的,可为接收端的用户和听众提供全频谱、录音室级的声音品质。 两款ATH-M50xSTS / ATH-M50xSTS-USB ...
ATH-M50xSTS-USB配有2米长的USB线,并提供了USB-A转USB-C适配器,可用于PC和Mac,另外带有一个采样率为24-bit / 96 kHz的A/D转换器,还支持Sidetone功能,可拾取通话的声音并向使用者反馈(音量由耳罩上的拨盘控制),使对话更为自然。ATH-M50xSTS的建议零售价为199美元(约合人民币1387.13元),ATH-M5...
Designed for streamers and content creators, the ATH-M50xSTS StreamSet™ is the world’s first professional streaming headset that combines the legendary studio sound of the ATH-M50x headphones with the clarity of the iconic 20 Series microphones.
Upgrade your online experience with Audio-Technica's ATH-M50xSTS-USB StreamSet. Designed for superior sound clarity.
mixer. A 6.3 mm (1/4") snap-on adapter is also included for the headphone plug. For those looking for plug-and-play connectivity to PCs and Macs, the ATH-M50xSTS-USB is outfitted with a 2 m (6.6') permanently attached cable with USB-A connection, plus a USB-A to USB-C ...
audio-technica ATH-M50xSTS-USB ヘッドセット 价格: 21,000円 合人民币: 985.43 元 成色: 目立った傷や汚れなし 运费: 送料込み(出品者負担) 品牌: audio technica 配送时间: 2~3日で発送 配送方法: らくらくメルカリ便 配送区域: 山形県 个数: 1件 其它: 打开原始链接 加入...
Audio-Technica ATH-M50xSTS StreamSet Finally, a gaming headset that's as good to chat and record with as it is to listen to. TOPICS Hardware Hope Corrigan Hardware Writer Hope’s been writing about games for about a decade, starting out way back when on the Australian Nintendo fan site ...
铁三角(Audio-technica)ATH-M50xSTS-USB StreamSet 流媒体耳机 45 毫米大孔径驱动器 ATH-M50XSTS-USB 黑色图片、价格、品牌样样齐全!【京东正品行货,全国配送,心动不如行动,立即购买享受更多优惠哦!】
在淘宝,您不仅能发现【日本直邮】Audio Technica 流媒体耳机 ATH-M50xSTS 黑色 常规的丰富产品线和促销详情,还能参考其他购买者的真实评价,这些都将助您做出明智的购买决定。想要探索更多关于【日本直邮】Audio Technica 流媒体耳机 ATH-M50xSTS 黑色 常规的信息,请来淘
Audio-Technica 发布新款直播专用流媒体耳机 ATH-M50xSTS / ATH-M50xSTS-USB,这两款耳机是基于广受好评的 ATH-M50X 专业监听耳机,并且融合了经典的 20 系列话筒技术,是专为满足从事直播内容创作者的需求而开发的,可为接收端的用户和听众提供全频谱、录音室级的声音品质。 两款ATH-M50xSTS / ATH-M50xSTS-USB ...