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Cultivation ofAspergillus terreusATCC 20542 in a stirred tank bioreactor was performed to induce the biosynthesis of secondary metabolites and provide the bioprocess-related insights into the metabolic capabilities of the investigated strain. The activation of biosynthetic routes was attempted by the ...
(1994): Aluminium tolerance in Pseudomonas fluorescens ATCC13525: Invol- vement of a gelatinous lipid-rich residue. FEMS Microbiol Letts. 119, 295-302.Appanna, V.D., M. Kepes and P. Rochon. 1994. Aluminum toler- ance in Pseudomonas fluorescens ATCC 13525: Involvement of a gelatinous...
Martin L, Prieto MA, Cortes E, Garcia JL (1995) Cloning and sequencing of the pac gene encoding the penicillin G acylase of Bacillus megaterium ATCC 14945. FEMS Microbiol Lett 125:287–292Martin L, Prieto MA, Cortes E, Garcia JL (1995) Cloning and sequencing of the pac gene encoding ...
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