Papers need to be registered and their abstracts submitted by the abstract registration deadline. Papers with an empty abstract at the time of the abstract registration deadline will be rejected. There will be an optional artifact evaluation process for accepted papers. Submission Type: Full vs. S...
2024-12-02 会议地点: Momi Bay, Fiji 届数: 21 CORE:c浏览:28098关注:12参加:4 征稿 The 21st IEEE Int'l Conf. on Autonomous and Trusted Computing (ATC2024) will include a highly selective program of technical papers, accompanied by workshops, demos, panel discussions and keynote speeches. We...
ATC 2024 - 17- 19, October, 2024, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam Hosted by Posts and Telecommunications Institute of Technology (PTIT) CALL FOR PAPERS Email: The International Conference on Advanced Technologies for Communications is an annual conferen...
Here we specify a partial range using a syntax intentionally similar to the octet based addressing syntax accepted by nmap (an amazing tool). Commas within an octet (in order to exclude IPs) are not supported at this time.$ ./certsum --ports 443 --hosts Beginning cert ...
Similarly, several papers address mathematical models for an anticipatory, time-dependent modulation of Air Navigation Services (ANSs) charges, aiming to alleviate the demand-capacity imbalance on an airspace network at minimal cost [17], planning to redistribute the traffic across the network so as...