2023 American Transplant Congress conference app is your full featured guide to manage your conference attendance whether attending in-person or virtually. App…
In-Demand Transferable Skills Hands-on Work Why be an automotive technician? Your career on the fast track Explore the Benefits Previous slideNext slide compensation plans Many technicians today receive attractive compensation packages, including signing bonuses, competitive salaries, and enhanced benefits....
At ATC2022 in Sydney’s Luna Park, Kevin Wheeler delivered his much anticipated Fearless Forecast for the year ahead. And on 31st January 2023, Kevin joined us via webinar to re-share his presentation to the online talent audience. Here are Kevin’s top 10 predictions for talent in 2023....
Besides, we find most of these jobs occurred in July 2023, which is the hottest month on record [63]. This anomalous climate may be a potential cause of these failures, which is aligned with the finding recently reported by Microsoft [100]. We provide more detailed data on GPU tempe...
Fast cooling on demand of food & drinks Power Cool Enjoy a rapid cooling performance to chill food and beverages fast. At the touch of a button, Power Cool blows intensely cold air into the fridge. You can quickly cool your weekly groceries to lock-in their freshness a...
Strategies must be adopted for sustainable wheat crop production to fill the ever-increasing food demand. Salinity is one of the major abiotic stresses involved in plant growth retardation and grain yield reduction. In plants, calcineurin-B-like proteins form a complicated netw...
Given the proliferation of online ASMR content on platforms such as YouTube, people who have experienced ASMR since childhood (and before the term was officially coined) are now able to experience it ‘on demand’ rather than waiting for such experiences to occur in daily life. Whilst the ...
However, the demand for the company’s products has increased in the prior period, causing management to consider placing large orders to ensure that consumer demand is met in 2023. According to management, the range for production output is between 2k and 6.5k – reflecting the life cycle sta...
The chapter on regional analysis highlights the political scenario in emerging economies and developed nations that are expected to influence the demand and supply dynamics. The regional analysis also helps in ascertaining the shifting needs of the population that have a critical impact on the overall...
The exposed method can be called by any computer language from any machine connected to the network provided that it also uses XML-RPC protocol stack and has network access to the server. This also means that that XML-RPC can be used to call a method on the same machine written in anothe...