當ATA 指令下達時,SSD將其所有存儲單元重置清空,恢復到出廠預設參數狀態。 此模式可完全抹除固態儲存硬碟中的資料。 ATA Secure erase可輕易將SSD儲存單元內所有資料完全抹除,包含數據和區塊管理表,達到資料永久被銷毀的目的。而執行此功能所需的時間取決於硬碟磁碟容量的大小,例如,512GB固態硬碟大約需要20秒執行完成。
ATA Secure erase可轻易将SSD储存单元内所有数据完全抹除,包含数据和区块管理表,达到数据永久被销毁的目的。而执行此功能所需的时间取决于硬盘磁盘容量的大小,例如,512GB固态硬盘大约需要20秒执行完成。 相关技术 推荐产品 CoreSecurity2 CoreSecurity2 是 Apacer 独家设计的数据保护技术,通过独家固件和硬件技术,提升数据...
it let me password protect the drive, but would not accept the SECURITY-ERASE command. I shut down the system, reconnected the drive to the SATA controller, and found that the drive was bricked - BIOS couldn't recognize
1 Replies 388 Views 0 Likes Hello I wanted to clean up my Seagate Iron wolf Pro 12 terabyte drive. To do this, I ran the Secure Erase procedure, but it returned an error. At first I didn't think much of it. When I installed this disk in my Mac and then in my Windows computer,...
USB adapters that contain a SATA controller chip that supports ATA pass through for secure erase/HPA/DCO/smart data
(Windows etc.) Hardware States BIOS States Operating System 2 3 1 4 5 Vortragstitel Blatt: 8 © Compass Page 15 Secure States g Every BIOS has to be checked whether the FREEZE command has been correctly implemented. g The correct working is as follows 1. The computer is powered up. ...
To see all options for a particular command, append -h to the command name. ie esptool.py write_flash -h. Common Options Serial Port The serial port is selected using the -p option, like -p /dev/ttyUSB0 (Linux and macOS) or -p COM1 (Windows). A default serial port can be spec...
SSD硬盘随着使用会产生很碎片,随着碎片的增加性能会大大降低。如果硬盘上的数据可以备份到别外,然后就可以用hdparm发送ATA “Secure Erase”指令去清空SSD硬盘中的数据的方法,把硬盘的写性能恢复到没有碎片时的状态。 注意: 这个操作会删除硬盘上所有的数据,而且这些数据不能被恢复。