AT3057-100 品牌 NIKE/耐克 507811人关注 NIKE耐克是由比尔·鲍尔曼和菲尔·奈特于1972年成立的运动品品牌。其总部位于美国俄勒冈州波特兰市。其产品包括服装,鞋履,运动器材等。NIKE是全球著名的体育运动品牌,英文原意指希腊胜利女神,中文译为耐克。 查看详情 ...
“鸟人”的艺术碰撞-Parra X Air Max 1 AT3057-100 荷兰是一个艺术气息极其浓郁的国家,有着众多知名的艺术设计师。其中有这么一个横跨4个领域(设计,滑板,服装,音乐)的奇才设计师Piet Parra,擅长抽象构图来表达诸多想法和幽默,嗯,尤其擅长画“鸟人”,就是今天的这位角儿。同“菲董”本人所倡导的“天人合...
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I believe this is enough math for me for the time being. I acknowledge that my explanations were not crystal clear, as I am not a genius in mathematics. However, I gave my best attempt at relating the mathematics in class to a piece of code which may have real life app...
We could show this in a simple code example in Julia by printing the parenthesis in different ways, but I believe the idea serves as a justification for itself. Instead, let's look at Julia's implementation of types, in particular, mutable composite types: ...
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