德国阿斯特钢琴AT121F BBAQ 青岛和乐琴行专卖店 钢琴型号:AT121F BBAQ 钢琴产地:中国天津 钢琴设计:美国设计师Delwin创新音源设计,音质达到最佳 音板级别:北美阿拉斯加5A级鱼鳞松实木音板 钢琴铁板:世界真空铸造铁板技术,四方形真空大钢板 键盘木质:鱼鳞松 钢琴黑键:优质防滑功能的黑檀琴键轻松演奏 钢琴琴弦:德国勒斯劳...
Case Study Code-switching and Learning in the Classroom This paper addresses the issue of code-switching in the classroom and analyses the roles and functions of the first language (L1) in the second language (L2) class.The observation of intra-sententialcode-switching shows complex learning .....
society for the study of amphibians and reptiles population structure of florida box turtles (terrapene carolina bauri) at the southernmost limit of their ... Eastern box turtles (Terrapene carolina) inhabit many fire-prone habitats in eastern North America and frequently succumb to natural and anthr...
🌻 The collaborative editing software that runs Wikipedia. Mirror from https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/g/mediawiki/core. See https://mediawiki.org/wiki/Developer_access for contributing. - mediawiki/languages/i18n/tg-cyrl.json at d9e43fa563ab0a7edd7c07cfe
英语翻译⒈It is the year 1898,and you are Mycroft Pound,the famous detective.You are sittingin your house in London,one cold November evening.Tghere is a knock at the door.It is Inspector Freewell of the London police.'Can you come to Whitechape