HS10所採用的形狀和超輕型結構設計,能確保振動減至最少。 優質鍍金引線,實現無損訊號傳輸。 精確定位和平衡的手指提升托,可使唱針準確放置在唱片上。 備有黑色 (AT-HS10 BK) 及銀色 (AT-HS10 SV) 型號。 壓鑄鋁製成的10g重全金屬唱頭蓋,帶有整體式手指提升托。唱頭蓋備有黑色及銀色型號選擇,適用於1/2寸...
AUDIO-TECHNICA AT-HS10 BK HEADSHELL - AT-HS10 headshell in black Designed for quiet performance, the Audio-Technica ATHS10 headshell looks good too with its ridged pattern. Its aluminum die-cast body reduces vibration. The shape and design of the HS10, coupled with its lightweight construct...