摘要: 雨后的晴天,风和日丽,地面上的雨水已经蒸发得无影无踪.小溪里的水涨满了河槽,岸边绿油油的野草长得非常茂盛,野花肆意开放,绚丽多彩.关键词:桑茶坑道中 野草 野花 年份: 2024 收藏 引用 批量引用 报错 分享 全部来源 求助全文 掌桥科研 来源期刊 快乐青春(经典阅读)(小学生适读) 站内活动 ...
The Standard Model Higgs boson has been searched for by the four LEP\nexperiments in the last twelve years. The data collected at LEP in the year\n2000 suggest the first observation of a Higgs boson. In this letter, I describe\nthe basic concepts of the Higgs search at LEP, with ...
A non-relativistic potential-model version of the factorization assumption,\nused in perturbative QCD calculations of hadronic form factors, is used, along\nwith the Born approximation valid at high energies, to derive a remarkably\nsimple relationship between the impulse approximation contribution to ...
Vector meson production at HERANew results on elastic electroproduction and proton-dissociative\nphotoproduction at large t of rho, phi and J/psi mesons are presented. They are\ninterpreted within perturbative QCD.Jan Figiel