After each MAP Growth test, results are delivered in the form of a RIT score that reflects the student’s academic knowledge, skills, and abilities. MAP Growth uses a RIT (Rasch Unit) scale to accurately measure what ...
At ISD, we use theWIDA MODELto assess students’ English language proficiency who are in grades 1-10. Students who are non-native English speakers and have not yet met proficiency scores, take the test in the fall ...
例如,“During the office party, some colleagues made eyes at each other as a joke.”(在办公室聚会期间,一些同事互相暗送秋波来开玩笑。)不过在这种情况下,通常不是认真的情感表达,而是带有幽默的意味。 “make eyes at sb” 是一个比较口语化和非正式的...