In October 2021, Rakul and Jackky announced their relationship on Instagram. The movie’s title track, “Bade Miyan Chote Miyan,” was recently released by the producers. “Tere peeche tera yaar khada” is what Akshay wrote after sharing the song on X. Tiger and Akshay can be ...
In all cases, the C5 arylated 2-isobutylthiazoles were obtained in moderate to excellent yields.doi:10.1016/j.jorganchem.2021.121730Nesrin BudaySiraj KhanSedat Yaarsmail zdemirJournal of Organometallic Chemistry
"`Yaar ajab tere nkhare,gazab tera style hain, gand dhone ki tameez nahi, haath main mobile hai`", "`When your mom dropped you off at the school, she got a ticket for littering.`", "`You’re so ugly that when you cry, the tears roll down the back of your head…just to avoi...
The solutions obtained can be used in the explanation of physical phenomena occurring in the propagation of high-frequency waves in a relaxing medium.doi:10.1080/16583655.2021.1999053Yeim Salam zkanA. SeadawyE. YaarElsevierJournal of Taibah University for Science...
Dehydration reactions, performed in the aqueous phase, exhibited higher fructose selectivities with AlPcCl catalyst.Graphic abstractdoi:10.1007/s11144-021-01969-yHülya A. KlEmre KlNilgün KabayYasemin BayguYaar GkSpringer International PublishingReaction Kinetics, Mechanisms and Catalysis...
uFloaMtionvaalcuceusracrey mmoussttlybeuspeodort.oScionmceptahreerethies rneosuelftfsecotfivseimjuudlgatmioennst ucrsitneg- rdioifnfe,rienntotmhoerdesltsufdoirest,hFeosMamveasltuuedsyaarerema,oasntdlythueseFdoMto vcoalmuepsaraerethcoemrepsaurletds ohfosrizmounltatliloyntso udseitnegrmdiinf...