Add support for fading out 3D layers in the distance with fill-extrusion-cutoff-fade-range and model-cutoff-fade-range style properties. Introducing support for nested and configurable styles. You can now import other styles into your main style, with updates to imported styles automatically reflect...
Fixed a problem that could cause incorrect distance computation for a degenerate bounding region that is a single point with a min/max height. Improved the numerical stability of GlobeRectangle::computeCenter and GlobeRectangle::contains. Error messages are no longer printed to the Output Log when...
a flashlight, a tire pressure gauge, a basic tool kit, and a reflective warning triangle or other necessary car safety items. These items can help you handle minor issues and stay safe on the road.
“What we found was surprising: a jet stream rotates material around the planet’s equator, while a separate flow at lower levels of the atmosphere moves gas from the hot side to the cooler side. This kind of climate has never been seen before on any planet,” says Seidel, who is also...
At last we were truly entering the white, aeon-dead world of the ultimate south. Even as we realized it we saw the peak of Mt. Nansen in the eastern distance, towering up to its height of almost fifteen thousand feet. The successful establishment of the southern base above the glacier ...
Furthermore, the correlation of DFe with distance landward implies the SML Fe in the study region cannot just be attributed to meteoric melt, as additional shelf processes could also contribute sources of Fe. Notably, the meltwater pump or other coastal mixing processes that bring Fe from ...
A large fraction of volcanic eruptions does not expel magma at the surface. Such an eruption occurred at Mt Ontake in 2014, claiming the life of at least 58 hikers in what became the worst volcanic disaster in Japan in almost a century. Tens of scientific studies attempted to identify a ...
A universal redux version of my Meteor attempt at Words with Friends (online scrabble). - words-with-strangers-redux/input_words.txt at master · joshwcomeau/words-with-strangers-redux
New: Introduced the function knn_distance() to measure the average distance between a point and its neighborhood. New: Added a C++ spatial indexing class SparsePartition3D for TLS data, optimized for memory usage. New: Introduced the functions readALS() and readTLS(), which replace the overly...
At last we were truly entering the white, aeon-dead world of the ultimate south. Even as we realized it we saw the peak of Mt. Nansen in the eastern distance, towering up to its height of almost fifteen thousand feet. The successful establishment of the southern base above the glacier ...