Alpha team are responding to the Old Wenderley Psych Hospital where reports indicate a group of drug dealers have turned on a group of charity workers trying to help the homeless who have taken up residence in the old abandoned hospital. ...
you need to use also a C++ compiler for doing preprocessing: gcc (In windows MinGW-W64-builds for example), clang or cl (MSVC). (this repo was done with gcc) updateimguifolder to the version you desire. editgenerator/generator.baton windows, orgenerator/generator.shon linux, to choose ...
Updates for saving color tiffs w/compression using libtiff #417 [wiredfool] 2gigapix image fixes and redux [wiredfool] Save arbitrary tags in Tiff image files #369 [wiredfool] Quote filenames and title before using on command line #398 [tmccombs] Fixed to return properly #399...
The Storage Migration Service migrates servers, their storage, and their SMB config from old Windows and Linux to modern Windows Servers and clusters running on-prem or in Azure. You can now also migrate from NetApp FAS arrays running NetApp ONTAP 9 or later. The process...
config file with powershell Edit GPO via PowerShell Edit XML with powershell Ejecting Remote Computers CD Drive else : The term 'else' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program. Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, ...
Hello Experts, My org has a lot of fluctuation in team assignment and scheduling. I'm looking to build what is essentially a schedule checker. Here are...
config file "The function evaluation requires all threads to run" while accessing music library through wmp.dll "The left-hand side of an assignment must be a variable, property or indexer". Help? "The remote server returned an error: (401) Unauthorized" "Typewriter" like effect in a C# ...
STALKER 2 Optimization MOD Performance Config 10:50 Neve Casual Recolour 10:48 More embark Goods Part 1 10:48 Ashe - Crystal Heart - Russian Translation 10:46 Logos Unleashed - Fully Fledged Combo Mod 10:45 OOO Enhanced 10:45 Animated Ice Floes 10:45 Animated Icebergs 10:43 Kriss Vector ...
如果PoE裝置上不支援CDP/LLDP,則可以使用命令power inline port 2-event請求功率大於15.4 W: Switch(config)#interface Te1/0/1 Switch(config-if)#power inline port 2-event IEEE 802.3bt 當使用IEEE 802.3bt模式時,Cisco UPOE裝置可作為802.3bt型別3或型別4裝置,並可在每個埠上...
如果PoE设备不支持CDP/LLDP,则可以使用命令power inline port 2-event请求大于15.4 W: Switch(config)#interface Te1/0/1 Switch(config-if)#power inline port 2-event IEEE 802.3bt 当使用IEEE 802.3bt模式时,Cisco UPOE设备可用作802.3bt类型3或类型4设备,并且每个端口最多分别支持...