※reservation 是“预订,预约”的意思。以谁的名字预定座位或事酒店房间一般用介词under,如: I have made a reservation for adouble room in the Hilton Hotel under Mr. Peterson. (我用皮得森的名字在希尔顿饭店订了一个双人间。) Di...
CD1 TR25 Unit 7 At the restaurant(Practice) 67 2017-06 5 CD1 TR26 Unit 8 At the hotel(Dialogue) 85 2017-06 6 CD1 TR27 Unit 8 At the hotel(Pron.+How.+Prac.) 101 2017-06 7 CD1 TR28 Unit 9 On the phone(Dialogue) 97
8) Check, please. Please bring me the bill. May I have the check, please? Thank you for your service. … (就一个字)结账 9) May I have the receipt, please? 请给我开发票。 10) Is a service charge included? Does this include service charge? 请问包含服务费吗? 对话| Dialogue [J=Ja...
(At the Restaurant) 2301:25 【放松】[Order] May I take your order Anything else For here or to go 2401:44 【放松】[NEW] 25. Understanding One’s Culture (English Dialogue) 2809:56 【放松】[NEW] 24. Cooking for Parents (English Dialogue) 3410:16 【放松】[NEW] 23. Asking for ...
《旅游英语》08At the Restaurant 电子教案 Part1ListeningandSpeakingActivities Agenda Part2ReadingPassage Exercises Part1Part2 Ex return Part1ListeningandSpeakingActivities •Lead-in•ListeningPractice:Listenandfillintheblanks•Dialogue1DiningattheChineserestaurant•Dialogue2Diningatthewesternrestaurant Part1...
Next comes a short dialogue. Listen carefully and see if you can answer correctly.接着会有一段短对话。仔细听,看看你能否答对。We'll show you the answer at the end. A woman is having lunch in a restaurant.我们在结尾会公布答案。一位女士正在餐厅吃午餐。What is she going to order? Would ...
2 Daily Dialogue 日常会话 扫一扫 看译文 Fast-Food Martha:Oh, look, it's twelve o'clock, I'm hungry. James:Me too, let's go out for dinner. Martha:Good idea. Iet's try some Mexican food. James:Um, I don't like Mexican food. Martha:OK, how about Chinese food? James:Excellent!
George:Letmepaythebilltoday. Sylvia:Oh,no!Let‟sgoDutchthistime.We‟rebothstudentsafterall. George:OK.It‟s20dollarsaltogether.So10dollarseach.Right? Sylvia:That‟sright.Waiter,bringthebill,please. 6 Dialogue2 Waitress:Haveyouhadtimetolookoverthemenu?
Q: What place does the woman try to find on the map? (C) 14. W: Good morning! Welcome to the Great Hotel! M: Good morning! I want to book a double room for three days from June 10th to 12th. Q: Where does the dialogue probably take place? (D) 15. W: May I help you...
1.read this dialogue in groups. 2.read it by yourself 3.listen and number 4.trace, match, and copy 5.set the home work 熟读对话,完成书后作 step 6 homework read this dialogues. 板书设计 unit7 at the restaurant do you like…?