At the Existentialist Cafe 存在主义咖啡馆- Sarah Bakewell 'Existence precedes essence'. Having found myself thrown into the world, I go on to create my own definition (or nature, or essence), in a ...
作者:[英] 莎拉·贝克韦尔(Sarah Bakewell) 著;沈敏一 译 出版社:北京联合出版公司 出版时间:2017-00-00 印刷时间:0000-00-00 ISBN:9787559610782 ,购买存在主义咖啡馆:自由、存在和杏子鸡尾酒 At the Existentialist Café: Freedom, Being, and Apricot Cocktai
“It’s not often that you miss your bus stop because you’re so engrossed in reading a book about existentialism, but I did exactly that while immersed in Sarah Bakewell’s ‘At the Existentialist Cafe’.” (Katy Guest,The Independent). “At the Existentialist Cafétakes us back to…when...
存在主义咖啡馆 英文原版哲学书籍 At The Existentialist Cafe 存在与自由 纽约时报书单 Sarah Bakewell 英文版进口原版英语书 关于自由、哲学家与存在主义的故事 分享配送 至 选择地区查看预计配送信息 快递:0元起 服务支持退换 · 7天无理由退货 · 收货后结算 参数纸质; 版本 该商品所属店铺评价 查看全部 ...
Sarah BakewellBakewell, S., 2016, At the existentialist cafe. Freedom, being, and apricot cocktails, Other Press, New York.Bakewell, S., 2016, At the existentialist cafe: freedom, being, and apricot cocktails, Other Press, New York.
存在主义咖啡馆 自由、存在和杏子鸡尾酒 [At the Existentialist Cafe?: Freedom, Being, and A] 作者:[英]<adata-name="莎拉·贝克韦尔">莎拉·贝克韦尔(SarahBakewell)著;<adata-name="沈敏一">沈敏一译出版:北京联合出版公司 2017.12页数:568定价:88.00 元ISBN-13:9787559610782ISBN-10:7559610781 去豆瓣...
We all carried their philosophy around in our youth, says Philip Hensher. But did anyone --...Hensher, Philip
A Rich Stroll in Philosophy ; at the Existentialist Cafe Non FictionBakewell, Sarah