English translation of the DBZ movie 7 ending theme song "On the Brink: The World at its Utter Limit", as sung by Hironobu Kageyama & YUKA.
to be very close to a very unpleasant or dangerous situation The country is teetering on the brink of civil war. Seebrinkin the Oxford Advanced American Dictionary Check pronunciation:brink 我们重视您的隐私 我們及我們的772合作夥伴會在您的裝置上儲存和存取個人資料,例如瀏覽資料或唯一識別碼。選擇...
选词填空on the brink of, feed on, stand for, go for, set up1. Bats fly at night and insects.2. He wasted most of his money and was bankruptcy(破产).3. The wounded lion the hunter and was killed by him at last.4. The letters PLA the People's Lib-eration Army.5. The gov...
【题目】on the brink of; feed on; stand for; keep an eye on; go for; set up1. Bats fly at
At his ranch in Crawford, Texas, George W. Bush was looking at the world beyond Inauguration...Fineman, Howard
on the brink:在边缘 can't afford to wait any more:不能再等待 take action:采取行动 abbreviations:缩写 acronyms:首字母缩略词 IUCN -- International Union for the Conservation of Nature:世界自然保护联盟 convention:会议;全体与会者;国际公约;惯例,习俗,规矩 CITES -- Convention on International Trade ...
英语听力教程第三版(张民伦主编)Unit 2 Wildlife Conservatin听力原文.pdf,Listen this way 听力教程第三册-2 Unit 2 Wildlife Conservation Part Ⅰ Getting ready gravely :严重 specie :物种 extinct :灭种 on the brink :在边缘 cant afford to wait any more :不
onthebrink:在边缘 can'taffordtowaitanymore:不能再等待 takeaction:采取行动 abbreviations:缩写 acronyms:首字母缩略词 IUCN--InternationalUnionfortheConservationofNature:世 界自然保护联盟 ...