Nowadays,systematizationis the concrete carrier of administrative style construction. 当前, 制度化乃是我国行政作风建设的有形载体. 期刊摘选 Does patellar articulatory place smash the how undertakessystematizationrehabilitation of sexual fracture trains?
必应词典为您提供systematization的释义,美[ˌsɪstəmətaɪ'zeɪʃ(ə)n],英[ˌsɪstəmətaɪ'zeɪʃ(ə)n],n. 系统化;组织化;分类; 网络释义: 系统性;系列化;体系化;
systematization 随打随译 世界领先的质量 拖放文件 立刻翻译 ▾ 外部资源(未审查的) [...] justice and human rights indicators to guarantee the coordination,systematizationandupdating of the information on the situation of respect [...]
您指的是 “systematization” 吗? ▾ 英语-中文正在建设中 systematization名词 系统化名() 也可见: 制度化 查看其他译文 © Linguee 词典, 2024 ▾ 外部资源(未审查的) [...] justice and human rights indicators to guarantee the coordination,systematizationandupdating of the information on the...
: to arrange in accord with a definite plan or scheme : order systematically a patient with systematized delusions systematization noun also British systematisation ˌsis-tə-mət-ə-ˈzā-shən sis-ˌtem-ət- More...
systematization Thesaurus Medical Wikipedia sys·tem·a·tize (sĭs′tə-mə-tīz′) tr.v.sys·tem·a·tized,sys·tem·a·tiz·ing,sys·tem·a·tiz·es To put into a system; arrange according to a plan or scheme:"The aim of science is surely to amass and systematize knowledge...
英语»西班牙语 systematization在《牛津英西词典》中的词汇 单语范例(未经PONS编辑处理) systematization在《牛津英西词典》中的词汇 到英语_美式英语
(8月10日):进入橡胶手套行业的ACE市场上市的工业自动化系统以及机械设计和制造商AT Systematization Bhd(ATS)正在为其新工厂调试6条浸胶生产线,更多信息尽在振工链。 根据交易所的文件,该集团的全资子公司AT Glove Engineering Sdn Bhd(AGESB)与Ripcol Engineering Sdn Bhd(RESB)签订了供应合同。该合同将使RESB成...
TerminologyThe publication of the 'Concise Dictionary of Business Logistics' in 1995 is considered by many as an effort towards the systematization of logistics terminology in Russia. Some of the topics covered by the book include inventory control, commercial risk insurance, waste recycling, ...