The spot to which I point is paradise. Fixd to one spot. So we say, a spot of ground, a spot of grass or flowers; meaning a place of small extent. 4. A place of a different color from the ground; as the spots of a leopard. 5. A variety of the common domestic pigeon, so ...
usage: The verbs set and sit are similar in form and meaning but different in grammatical use. set is chiefly transitive and takes an object: Set the dish on the shelf. Its past tense and past participle are also set: The judge has set the date for the trial. set also has some stand...
2. to come to rest, as on a spot or thing; fall or settle upon; land: The bird lighted on the branch. 3. to come by chance; happen; hit (usu. fol. by on or upon): to light on a clue. 4. to settle on a place or person: The choice lighted upon our candidate. 5. light...
the Earth turns; turn on the spot 1915, Emerson Hough, The Purchase Price, chapterI: "A fine man, that Dunwody, yonder," commented the young captain, as they parted, and as he turned to his prisoner. "We'll see him on in Washington some day. He is strengthening his for...
这里是BBC英语教学的 “地道英语” 节目。在这期节目中,我们教给大家的这个表达简单实用。“One step at a time” 的意思就是 “一步一步地”,它常用来告诉他人做事要慢慢地、仔细地,一步一步来。So, Rob, to get fit, you need a plan ...
(I feel in my bones that spot is a derivative of spit. Spot is the name of the mark made by spitting, which is obviously one of the most primary of human acts.) swim swam swum spring sprang sprungI imagine that more irregular verbs conform to this one succession than to any one of...
Translate [ad copy] into [language]. Understand the meaning of [ad copy] and find relevant words and native phrases in [language] that are best suited for persuading customers. Show what you've changed/added in English. Ad copy = [Insert Here] Language = [Insert Here] ...
Understand the meaning of [ad copy] and find relevant words and native phrases in [language] that are best suited for persuading customers. Show what you've changed/added in English. Ad copy = [Insert Here] Language = [Insert Here] Write update emails about a project using AI Write an...
“We work with the leading European agencies in the field of international protection.” Sign language interpreting services These are languages made up of gestures and are used by the deaf and those who interact with them. They have their own grammatical and lexical structures, meaning that they...
you could also check out the exampleFrench dialogues. These dialogues are in the form of illustrations, showing the speech in both French and English. As a bonus,each dialogue is accompanied by audioand an exercise, meaning you’ll be able to listen to the pronunciation and practice what you...