具有斑点三维识别功能,可区分重叠的细胞斑点。 准确区分孔边缘的斑点,假点不计入,数据更客观。 可进行特殊板孔斑点处理:如黏连斑点、背景纹路、纤维丝等。 软件按照SOP标准化流程设计,傻瓜式操作,每步均有操作提示,易于使用。 广泛的应用领域 疫苗开发 ‒ 疫苗效力评估金标准 感染性疾病诊断与研究 ‒ 结核、乙型...
AT-Spot 系列酶联免疫斑点图像分析仪是独立自主研发、具有完全自主知识产权、并获得国家发明专利的仪器;在我国生命科学与医疗科技领域的分析仪器中、其技术是为数较少的能够达到或同步于国外同行的产品。 它拥有: 强大的功能:独特的全自动、手动拍摄和分析方法;拥有自动扫描、自动居中、自动曝光、自动白平衡、拍摄和分析...
AT-Spot系列酶联免疫斑点(ELISPOT)图像分析系统是“安泰永信”公司独立自主研发、具有完全自主知识产权、国内唯一可进行酶联免疫斑点(ELISPOT)检测分析的仪器;在我国生命科学与医疗科技领域的分析仪器中、其技术是唯一能够领先或同步于国外同行的产品。 AT-Spot系列“Research Device”: ★优质的硬件组合:高清晰CCD芯片摄...
AT-Spot系列结核感染T细胞(免疫斑点)分析系统是“安泰永信”公司独立自主研发、具有完全自主知识产权、国内唯一可进行结核感染T细胞检测分析的医疗诊断仪器;在我国医疗科技领域的分析仪器中、其技术是唯一能够领先或同步于国外同行的产品。 AT-Spot系列“Clin Devive”:★ 优质的硬件组合:高清晰CCD芯片摄像机;高清晰显微...
欢迎来到牛津大学在线英语课程!In this lesson, you can learn how to use the prepositions 'at', 'on' and 'in' to talk about where something is.在本节课程中,你将学习如何使用介词“at”,“on”和“in”来谈论事物的位置。Before we start, don't forget to check out our website: Oxford ...
这里,地点的概念不是很明确,而是指“他正在偷盗时被捉。”而 at the spot 偶尔也说,但很不普通。关键是,它纯粹表示地点概念。因为 at 跟某些地点、方位名词连用,表示“在...附近” 之意。例如:at the top of, at the foot of,at the corner 等,都是指具体的地点位置。例如:The rock...
on the scene 或 on the spot,是“在现场;当场”,含有比喻义,有时候指某个情景,不一定指具体的...
spot is cursed.” Wordsworth. 5. (Zool.) A variety of the common domestic pigeon, so called from a spot on its head just above its beak. 6. (Zool.) (a) A sciaenoid food fish ( Liostomus xanthurus) of the Atlantic coast of the United States. It has a black spot ...
An NFL employee sets up a video review system used to help spot injuries on the field during NFL games. In 2015, the NFL gave AT spotters in the press box the power to call a medical timeout. (AP Photo/Seth Wenig) Beginning in 2015, AT spotters may use a medical timeout to stop...
Fabric blinds can be vacuumed and spot cleaned as well as dry cleaned in case of severe stains or build up. Timber and Aluminium blinds can be wiped down gently with a soft cloth and need to be dusted regularly. Read the full blinds care guide to find out more. Shop Blinds On Sale ...