New boot mode to lock relay status on boot (RELAY_BOOT_LOCKED_OFF and RELAY_BOOT_LOCKED_ON) (#1705) Add netstat and dns probing (Core 2.5.2+) (#1907) Add setting for WiFi TX power (wifiTxPwr) (#1915) SoftAP button action will now toggle back to STA mode (#1942) Detect esp8285...
context.hasLockKey()){return;}Long branchId=DefaultResourceManager.get().branchRegister(BranchType.AT,getDataSourceProxy().getResourceId(),null,context.getXid(),null,context.buildLockKeys());context.setBranchId(branchId);}
Added SentryClient.shared?.enableThreadNames variable which can be set to true in order to retrieve the thread names when a crash happens. Enable this on you own risk this could deadlock you app therefore its not yet officially documented.1.4...
SYSTEM_SCAN_AT_RAISED_IRQL_CAUGHT_IMPROPER_DRIVER_UNLOAD 错误检查的值为 0x000000D4。 这表示驱动程序在卸载之前未取消挂起的操作。 重要 这篇文章适合程序员阅读。 如果你是在使用计算机时收到蓝屏错误代码的客户,请参阅蓝屏错误疑难解答。 SYSTEM_SCAN_AT_RAISED_IRQL_CAUGHT_IMPROPER...
UserId()).setMoney(placeOrderDTO.getMoney());}publicIntegralDTObuildIntegralDTO(PlaceOrderDTO placeOrderDTO){returnnewIntegralDTO().setIntegral(placeOrderDTO.getIntegral()).setUserId(placeOrderDTO.getUserId());}publicStockDTObuildStockDTO(PlaceOrderDTO placeOrderDTO){returnnewStockDTO().set...
如果使用mysql来做分布式锁就是这样的 代码在 DataBaseLocker # acquireLock LockStoreDataBaseDAO # acquireLock(List<LockDO> lockDOs) @OverridepublicbooleanacquireLock(List<LockDO>lockDOs) { Connection conn=null; PreparedStatement ps=null; ResultSet rs=null; ...
Lock the Deal 22:19 MH3 Quest Complete Replacement Theme 22:17 First Round Joker 22:17 skinned mesh improvement mod - redone redux remake retry revengeance retopology refridgerator 22:08 Police Equipment Emporium 22:06 More Kats of Skyrim - Khajiit Followers Mod 22:05 Enhanced Particles And Bl...
No Free Barter Items - set a minimum cost for buying free items (e.g. ammo casings)No Grabbing Owned Items - remove the ability to grab owned itemsNo Lock Encounter Zone Levels - don't freeze the level of encounter zones when they are first visitedNo Lock Failed Terminals - don't ...
aThe lock is set at the manufacturer to open at 000.You can keep it as your own combination,or set a new one as following steps:1:Push yhe button in the durection of the arrow and hold it until completing the next step 2:Rotate the dials so that your three secret numbers can't ...
0x400 - 0x40F indicate that readout protection is set.For debugger connection the device needs to be unsecured.Note: Unsecuring will trigger a mass erase of the internal flash. - Executing default behavior previously saved in the registry.- Device will be unsecured now.- Timeout while halt...