13 At sea level, atmospheric pressure is 100 kPa and the density of air is 1.3 kg m3.Assume that the density of air decreases linearly with height above sea level.What is an estimate of the total height of the atmosphere based on this information? B A 7.8km B 16km C 77km D 150 km...
aatmospheric pressure adjustment at sea level 海平面的大气压力调整[translate]
The atmospheric pressure field at sea level (the blue shaded region, hPa) and the UV 10 m wind circulation (m/s) in Xinjiang: (a) January and (b) July.Yün LiYougui SongLibin YanTao ChenZhisheng An
At a depth of 210 m in seawater (1025 kg/m3) what is the absolute pressure in the atmosphere? (a) 2.1 atm (b) 3.2 atm (c) 12 atm (d) 22 atm (e) 31 atm Atmospheric Pressure: Atmospheric pressure is the ...
Water has a heat of vaporization and boils at 100 degrees Celsius. What is the boiling point of water at the top of Mount Everest where the atmospheric pressure is only 3/4 as strong as the pressure at sea level? Water is most dense at: a...
Atmospheric Muon Measurements at Sea Level III: Muon Flux We have measured the atmospheric muon fluxes at sea level using the Okayama telescope. In 2001, that was improved the larger acceptance and higher momentum resolution than previous one. One of the characteristic of Okayama telescope is a....
at a depth of 1000m in an ocean (a)what is the absolute pressure (b)what is the guage pressure(c)find the force acting on the window of area20*20cm of a submarine at this depth,the interior of which is maintained at sea level atmospheric pressure.the density of sea water is 1.03*...
An interesting peak suggesting a 4-year oscillation was found in the atmospheric pressure spectrums, but not elsewhere. At Balboa, there is a strong and direct relation between oscillations of sea level and sea surface temperature. 展开
The force acting on a window of are 50×50 cm of a submarine at a depth of 2000 m in an ocean ,the interior of which is maintained at sea level atmospheric pressure is (density of sea water = 103kgm−3 ,g =10ms−2 ) A5×105N B25×105 N C5×106N D25×106NSubmit At a ...
How is the magnitude of a liquid's vapor pressure related to the intermolecular forces in the liquid? (a) What is the definition of the normal boiling point? (b) Why is it necessary to specify the atmospheric pressure over a liquid when measuring a boiling point?